Ron Ipach - Auto Repair Marketing SuccessEnglish | MP3 | 21 CDs | PDF | 1 DVD | avi | 720 x 480 | 23.98 fps | 1.8 GB
Genre: eLearningHere is the sales letter:
I'm Ron Ipach, President of CinRon Marketing Group. Over the past 9 years I've taught almost three thousand shop owners and managers how to dramatically and very quickly improve their businesses AND create a constant predictable stream of new customers flowing to them.
In fact, marketing guru Dan Kennedy wrote an entire chapter about me in his new book, “Ordinary People, Extraordinary Entrepreneurs and Success Coaches.” In that book he detailed many of my accomplishments as both a business owner and a success coach.
I studied the 'masters' of direct response marketing and learned their best secrets and adapted them to my own business. Within weeks, my income literally shot through the roof. I learned the secrets of how to get a prospect’s lazy butt off the couch, grab a phone or come to my shop. I also found a whole new way of attracting exactly the customer that I wanted to deal with.
How To Get A Flood Of New Customers…
I've taken these same direct response strategies that ripped the lid off my income and condensed them into an easy to follow System for your auto repair shop - so worrying about where your next customer is coming from will be a thing of the past.
You see, there is so much BAD ADVERTISING and MARKETING out there that when an auto repair shop introduces my unique marketing techniques to their area…it’s like taking candy from a baby!
Even The Best Auto Repair Shop Owner In The World Will Struggle,
Suffer, And Eventually Go Broke Unless They Can Get A Steady Flow Of Good New Customers
Here are just a few of the benefits you'll get from my system:
ü How to implement a "remote control", auto-pilot system that delivers a flood of new customers wanting to do business with you, that costs less than $1 a day.
ü How to eliminate the need for diagnosing problems over the phone.
ü How to escape price competition and avoid the "cheapest price battles" and attract better customers. How to increase your profits on every job.
ü How to stop wasting money on ineffective ads.
ü How to get free publicity through radio, newspaper, and TV!
ü How to double the response to your yellow pages ad…without getting a bigger ad!
ü Learn the amazing 5-step formula for putting immediate response into every ad, letter, any/all marketing efforts you ever undertake.
ü How to get customers to refer you like crazy -- 40% of new customers will come from referrals!
ü How to avoid the 5 biggest mistakes that almost every auto repair shop makes.
ü How to build an utterly unique system that allows you to run your marketing on 90% auto-pilot! Learn how to posture yourself (and your business) as the expert of first resort - not last resort - how to do it…with absolutely no money!
ü How to educate your prospects so they want you and only you to repair their cars. This secret of customer education is incredibly powerful. It completely changes the way customers see you, talk to you, and deal with you.
ü How to keep your customers coming back to you. Convert each customer that you do business with from a one-shot sale, to an eager, lifetime customer who buys from you again and again.
ü How to compel your customers to keep coming back for regularly scheduled service.
ü How to skyrocket your profits with "back-end" marketing systems that can suck out extra profits from every customer…and have them thank you for it!
ü How to create a "cash flow surge" and eliminate slow periods.
ü How to get other businesses to get new customers for you - for free!
ü How to use real human emotion to get prospects to respond to your marketing - and get them to trust you and believe in you as a person that really cares about their vehicles.
First, the most important thing you have to do is make the transition from just being in the auto repair business…to being in the business of marketing your auto repair services.
SKEPTICAL? Well, I Guess I Can't Blame You.
So let's go over a few concerns you may have.
Q. Will this work for my other services?
A. Absolutely. These Strategies can be easily applied to other types of services like, smog and state inspections, transmissions, car detailing, tire service, body repairs, paint touchup, etc. My System will show you different opportunities to expand and diversify your business and make even more money.
Q. Will this System work in my part of the country?
A. Yes. These strategies have been shown to work just as well in New York City as they do in rural Wyoming. They’ve worked in other countries from Canada to Australia. They’ll work in good economies and bad. (Many of my clients are still recording record profits since the disaster of 9/11!) While others around you are complaining how bad things are, you’ll be making more money than ever before.
Q. What if I'm dead broke?
A. That's okay. You can use some of the strategies that cost nothing to get started. These strategies may take a bit more time, but if you're broke, you probably have a bit more time on your hands to implement them. Then once they start making you money, you can start doing some of the other strategies.
Q. What makes your marketing strategies so special?
A. These are not the same old things that everyone else is doing. Here are the biggest differences:
1. My strategies get people to call you and want YOU to take care of their auto repairs.
2. Your prospects will be convinced that you are the best in town. They won’t go price shopping with the competition.
3. My strategies eliminate price shopping and objections.
4. My strategies lock your customers into coming back again and again.
5. My strategies guide you to the highest profit jobs, accounts, add-on services and opportunities. There are only so many hours in the day. You choose how much those hours are worth.
Q. Do you guarantee this will work?
A. Absolutely! It amazes me that anyone would buy or sell ANYTHING without a huge guarantee. Where I come from, if you’re going to ask someone for their hard-earned money in exchange for providing a product or service, you’d better be prepared to back it all up with a great guarantee.
This SYSTEM has proven itself in thousands of shops already, and I’m so certain it’ll put tens of thousands of dollars in your pocket, I won’t just give you one guarantee, I’ll give you TWO very generous guarantees:
Not only will I show you WHY a technique works, I’ll give you clear, step-by-step instructions of exactly HOW to put them to work for your business. You’ll get dozens of ready-to-use examples to ‘steal’ from. Heck, I’ll even give you resources to use so you can have someone else do all the work FOR YOU!
“OK! You’ve Got Me Interested. How Can I Get This Information And Put It To Work For Me?”
Everything you need to achieve maximum success in minimum time is in my Auto Repair Marketing Success System.
1. I've taken 106 STRATEGIES and crammed them into one huge MONEY MAKING MARKETING
STRATEGIES MANUAL. All my successful strategies that I told you about earlier and dozens more are together in one easy to use, step-by-step manual.
2. You'll get my AUTO REPAIR MARKETING TOOLS KIT. I don't just give you a great idea and then expect you to take the time to write your own letters, ads, or flyers. I've done that for you. This book is filled with dozens of proven letters and ads ready for you to copy and use in your own business. I’ll also show you several winning ads that my ‘students’ have written and use everyday in their businesses to make gobs of money. They're all together in this "tools kit" ready for you to use.
3. You'll get PERSONAL TELEPHONE CONSULTING so you can get personal, one-on-one coaching and mentoring from me. This is good for fifteen minutes of my time devoted solely on your business. You aren't alone anymore. When you join, you join a team. I'll be here to help guide you all the way to the top. (Note: For DELUXE package, you'll get TWO consultations and PREMIUM package you’ll get SIX consultations.)
4. You’ll get the CUSTOMER APPRECIATION SEMINAR AUDIO CD’s that were recorded at a recent live event. At this conference, many of my top ‘students’ and I revealed many of the strategies we’ve used since the economy tanked since 9/11 that have produced record profits, while most other competitors struggled just to keep their doors open. Here’s what just one attendee had to say about the information revealed at this conference…
5. (For “PREMIUM” Package Only) MY FULL SYSTEM ON AUDIO CD’s. You’re busy. You spend much of
your day working and I want you to learn as quickly as possible. I’ve recorded my entire system for you to use while you work. Just put on a pair of headphones or crank up the stereo in your shop.
Listening to these CD’s while you’re driving or working is like having your own “MOBILE MARKETING UNIVERSITY”. Studies have proven that we learn better and faster through repetition. By listening to these CD’s over and over again, you’ll truly be on the “fast track” to success.
These CD’s are such a powerful tool, I've had clients literally burn them up because they've listened to them so often. It is so important that you have these CD’s available at all times to refer to, I'm giving you a LIFETIME WARRANTY on them. If anything goes wrong with them -- you wear them out, your dog slobbers all over them, you leave them on the dash of your car and they melt, your kids use them as Frisbees, they get scratched, whatever -- send them back and get a brand new set!
6. (For “PREMIUM” Package Only) Finally, to help your business blast off quickly, you’ll get our QUICK START GUIDE TO MAXIMUM PROFITS SYSTEM. Even though there are over 100 strategies in the entire system that’ll help your car counts and profits explode, we’ve made getting started with our system a true ‘no-brainer’ by directing you towards the biggest-bang-for-your-buck strategies that are almost custom built for your shop. When you get your Premium System, simply open the Quick Start System, and you’ll be off and running within the first few days!
7. Plus, no matter which package you choose, you’ll get my 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. I'm so sure that my System will skyrocket your income that I'm willing to let you try it absolutely RISK FREE for up to 180 days.
If you respond IMMEDIATELY to this offer, I'll "Bribe" you with up to an additional 7 FREE gifts!
Look, I've been in business long enough to know that the longer you wait to enroll, the less likely it is that it'll ever happen. Maybe you’ll get busy, get distracted, or maybe even fall back into your "comfort zone" and decide that things are just fine with your business and you really don't want any more customers (You wouldn't have read this far if that were true!). I'm going to "bribe" you to get you to enroll TODAY because I don't want that to happen to you. If you order quickly, you'll also get:
FREE GIFT #1 - The script To My Consumer Help Line. It took me months to perfect the right message that brings in dozens of customers. This script will eliminate all the wasted time you spend on the phone with the "price shoppers" and sift out the very best customers. You can ‘steal’ my script and use it to start making money for you right away!
FREE GIFT #2 - A Two-Month Subscription To My Marketing Newsletter. Every newsletter is full of ‘hot,’ timely, exciting, proven income generating strategies, how-to articles, and questions and answers to your most difficult problems. Your Marketing Newsletter Subscription also includes Membership in my Inner Circle group. Inner Circle members qualify for special discounts on many of our products and seminars. And, to keep you updated with even more new marketing strategies as we discover and develop them, I’ll keep sending you my newsletter at the discounted member price of just $18.47 an issue (non-member price is $35.00 issue) (Note: For PREMIUM package you’ll get a 6-month subscription and Inner Circle membership.)
FREE GIFT #3 – One Advertisement Critique Coupon. Once you learn how to get customers to respond, you’ll want to create your own letters and ads. I’ll give you an expert ‘second opinion’ on your marketing piece before you spend any money on it. I’ll show you how to tweak your ad to get maximum response. This could also prevent you from wasting hundreds or thousands of dollars on a ‘bad ad’. (NOTE: For PREMIUM package, you’ll get 4 coupons.)
FREE GIFT #4 - Yellow Page Critique Coupon. Whenever I talk about advertising in the Yellow Pages, I hear the same thing from many shop owners…“Yellow Pages Suck!” or “They’re a big waste of money.” The fact is, it’s not a problem with the Yellow Pages…it’s the crappy ads that shop owners put in the Yellow Pages. The truth is, the Yellow Pages are an excellent (and cheap) place to advertise – but only if you know what you are doing and never let the yellow pages rep design your ad for you. As I told you earlier, I’ll show you how to spend less money on a smaller ad and get bigger results! All you do is send your ad in to me and I’ll fine-tune it for free. (One of my clients used his critique to help create an ad that so far has brought in over $138,000.00 in new business and keeps delivering new customers to his shop week after week!) (Note: For PREMIUM package, you’ll get TWO critique coupons)
FREE GIFT #5 — My Video, “HOW TO LOCK YOUR CUSTOMERS IN AN IRON CAGE AND KEEP THEM COMING BACK FOR LIFE” Once you’ve spent your time and money getting a new customer, this video will show you exactly how to keep them coming back to your shop forever. They’ll never even think about going anywhere else for service. One of my clients combined just two strategies that I revealed in this video and quickly made over $4000.00 – while his shop was closed for the weekend!
FREE GIFT #6 — (For “PREMIUM” Package Only) “Platinum 2000 Marketing Mastermind Audio CD’s”. Imagine getting a chance to listen in on 15 of the top marketing minds in the country that are locked in a closed door meeting, spilling their guts, revealing their closely held marketing strategies to each other that have produced millions of dollars for them and the clients that they consult for. That’s exactly what is on these 6 CD’s. This set of CD’s are an absolute “must have” if you really want to turbo-charge your shop!
FREE GIFT #7 — (For “PREMIUM” Package Only) “The Best of the Best Marketing Ideas Manual”
Everyone that attends one of my annual Income Explosion Marketing & Business Building ‘Boot Camps’ is required to bring their best marketing ads, letters, and ideas that they use to attract new (and old) customers to their shops. When you order the PREMIUM package, you’ll get the massive manual that we compiled of the best ‘stuff’ that my most successful clients are using. You’ll see the 3-step letter sequence that a shop owner used to bring in over $80,000 in sales in less than two months. You’ll get new move-in welcome letters, monthly mailers, referral ideas, new customer handbook ideas, inspection forms, yellow page ads, brochures, service reminder cards, newspaper ads, etc. Because all of these have already been proven to attract tons of new customers, you’ll want to take any or all of them and modify to use in your own shop. The time saved in not having to write up successful marketing materials from scratch will easily pay for this entire system.